Monday, January 19, 2009

Worst day of my family

This day is definately the worst! My grandma, me and my sis got food poisoning...i feel so bad 4 missing school!!! Who knows what important stuff i might have missed! My dad ended up with fever and my mom is having a really tiring day...i can tell coz she is yelling at me for no reason...I got tuition later and i HATE it!!!Tuition when i am sick, and not to mention i've got a REALLY perverted teacher...URGH!!!!!!!!This day had better not get any worst!(though i won't mind if i am sick enough to skip t-u-i-t-i-o-n...haha)

Friday, January 16, 2009

To: Yvonne

i dun even understand a's reasonable to miss 2C but c'mon...dont be such a crybaby...u've got plenty of frens with u in 3B...dont u? of course...assuming that i fit in the equation...haha


ooooh!!!! 2nd week of it and i m bored out of my...well... there is lots of homework AND reserches to make...URGH!!!!! what with tuition and everything...i suspect i'll become nuts before June...hopefully not!!!(horror!)