Friday, May 15, 2009


I do want to apologise for all those capital letters I used in my posts. I am sure it doesn't seem very nice. It's just that I am always mad and I tend to capitalize the alphabeths when I am. This is the only way I can unleash my anger and fumes, via the keyboard. I just want to scream and scream and scream but that will land me into more trouble. So I don't really have much choice.

Sincere apologies for ranting out on you guys in school. Especially Nasuha, E Xuan, Vero and Angeline. You guys were brilliant and didn't even tell me off although I nearly always blab about my troubles to you. Sorry for being so blabby and annoying most of the time.

To Nasuha: Sorry sebab always nak cakap tentang problem saya kat kelas.
To E Xuan: 我每次都跟你谈我家里和我与朋友们之间的问题, 如果令你觉得烦恼的话, 真的很抱歉!
To Vero: Sorry ah, leng lui. Always bother you with nonsense and things unrelated to the topic.
To Angeline: Sorry for always bothering you with my problems and taking up so much of your time. I think I am starting to rely on you too much.

Watching the clock's hands move SLOWLY

bored...haven't really got anything to do. Okay, I do have that poem to write for tomorrow, but my mind is now...BLANK. Zero ideas, zero mood and zero feel. How do you expect me to write a poem when I don't even have the faintest idea of what freaking thing should I write about?

Looks like I have to use an old one. But I don't wanna do that, I wanna create a new one! Unfortunately, poem writing requires imagination and yearning, something which I do not have right now. God,WHY IN THE FREAKING WORLD DOES MY MIND HAVE TO GO-----AT THIS TIME?!

*crashes out after weeping
**whacking myself for having no imagination now when I need it
***starts bawling

Friday, May 8, 2009

My story character~Alice

I could not believe it when mum and dad split up when I was eight. I remember crying and begging for them to stay together. But now I knew that it was better this way. Mum can’t be happy with someone she doesn’t care enough for. Dad still cares for both of us, but as he says, he won’t ruin Mum’s live.
I remember being shocked when I heard Mum was getting married again. I didn’t want it at first because I wanted Mum and Dad back together again. Of course, it was pointless, but hey, a girl can dream right?
When I moved into the Hendersons’ and have to cope with a perfect stepsister, I thought I was never going to be happy like before. I had already single-handedly destroyed my school record by either failing or just merely passing my subjects since I was not into my studies. But Emily and Josh were great; they both love me and Mum.
At school, I was the remedial student. Miss Stacy taught me what I have missed during the ‘break-up’ year and helped me catch up with others my age. However, I couldn’t go back to classes with the rest for the teachers think that I might be able to do better with Miss Stacy.
I don’t have many friends in elementary school. No one wants to be friends with the remedial student. Only Brandon, his sister Stella and Emily are my friends, and since the latter is my sister, I don’t suppose she counts. Emily was a friend magnet-popular, pretty and smart. None of her friends care about me; they only treat me as invisible whenever I am around Emily. Their mouths only start working once Emily was out of ear shot for my stepsister wouldn’t hear of any insult being thrown at me.
My admission to SAH shocked many people, including me. No one would believe that I, the remedial girl would make it in. But I did, and I loved SAH. There, I learnt to shine and open up to people. I made super friends, something I don’t have before my years at SAH. I also learnt that no one can be perfect, only those who are willing to accept their own mistakes and weaknesses will ever improve. And I am proud to say that I have already taken my first step forward to improving.
Another thing I did not expect to find in SAH is: love. I never thought of finding someone I love and vice versa in my life. I mean, come on! I am obviously not as good as other kids my age, why would anyone in this world want ME? But Carter loves me and he thinks that I am a great rare star in this universe. Officially swooning now…
SAH is the place where it all began for me. My light only started to shine after I went there. For many of the students there, it is the same. To me, SAH is not just a school; it is a place where the dullest learn to shine. It’s the home of all students in it.